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Soul Hackers 2 Achievements Guide


Below are the list of Soul Hackers 2 Achievements Guide.

Story Achievements

Soul Hacked

Hacked Arrow’s soul.

This will happen when you bring Arrow back to life as part of the story. It can’t be missed.

Arrow’s Memories

Neutralized the abnormality in the Soul Matrix.

This will happen when you finish exploring Arrow Sector 1F as party of the story. It can’t be missed.

A Long Farewell

Defeated the threat waiting in the Central Line.

This will happen when you defeat Kaburagi in Central Line as part of the story. It can’t be missed.

Comeback Gambit

Defeated the threat waiting at Ozaki Hope Towers.

This will happen when you defeat Zenon & Iron Mask in Ozaki Hope Towers as part of the story. It can’t be missed.

Beyond the Infinite

Watched over Ringo and her teammates’ departure.

This is the ending you will achieve after completing the game. If you have cleared everyone’s 4F in the Soul Matrix, choose “Let her go”. It can’t be missed.

Paradise Lost

Watched over the dawn of a new era for Aion and humanity.

This is the ending you will achieve after completing the game and if you managed to complete the Personal/Vision Quests of Arrow, Milady, and Saizo. This means completing everyone’s 4F in the Soul Matrix. When the final battle ends, choose “Reach out to her” to get this achievement.

Gameplay Achievements

Moment of Respite

Went to a Hangout Event.

Hangout Events are short scenes that you can view at Bar Heidrun with your characters. One of them will unlock right as you learn about them through a tutorial. Speak to Hughes at Bar Heidrun and speak with your allies (anyone will do) to get this achievement.

Related to the A Toast to Us achievement.

A Toast to Us

Went to over 40 Hangout Events.

Hangout Events are short scenes that you can view at Bar Heidrun with your characters. One of them will unlock right as you learn about them through a tutorial. Speak to Hughes at Bar Heidrun and speak with your allies (anyone will do) to get this achievement.

You need to view 40 Hangout Events to get this achievement. Thankfully, there are more than 40 Hangout Events in total, gained from the story, Requests, and items you find while exploring. They don’t need to be in the same playthrough either; you can get this achievement on a New Game Plus with the same Hangout Events.

Summoners’ Past

Completed 1 Vision Quest for all teammates.

Vision Quests are the term for completing the end of a Sector in the Soul Matrix. When you defeat the final boss, it’s considered the completion of the Vision Quest. You will see a scene in your teammate’s life, and get a short explanation discussing it. Arrow’s Vision Quest is mandatory for the story, but you need to complete Saizo and Milady’s 1F in the Soul Matrix to get this achievement.

Related to the Past and Present Entwined and the Soul Matrix Transcension achievements.

Past and Present Entwined

Completed 4F of someone’s Soul Matrix.

Completing the 4F of a character’s Soul Matrix requires you to have a Soul Level of 100 with that character. There are more than enough opportunities to get to 100 with any character (though all three at 100 is the real challenge). Just complete the 4F of any character’s Soul Matrix to get this achievement.

Related to the Soul Matrix Transcension achievement.

Soul Matrix Transcension

Completed 5F of someone’s Soul Matrix.

Completing the 5F of a character’s Soul Matrix requires you to have a Soul Level of 200 with that character. This is almost impossible to do on a first playthrough as there are barely enough points to get everyone to 100 (and everyone has different opportunities to earn points).

Fortunately, a New Game Plus will allow you to earn significantly more Soul Level Points, where you can comfortably reach 200 with every character and completely explore a character’s 5F. You just need to complete the 5F of any character’s Soul Matrix to get this achievement.

New Summoner in Town

Completed 3 or more requests/Aion Directives.

Requests are the side missions in Soul Hackers 2. They are optional, but can give great rewards if pursued. There are many easy Requests given by Club Cretaceous (the side mission hub) which can go towards this achievement.

Alternatively, Aion Directives are optional missions that open up when exploring a Soul Matrix floor. They involve fighting certain demons, finding items, or fighting a challenging enemy. These count towards the achievement as well.

Related to the Legendary Summoner achievement.

Legendary Summoner

Completed 85 or more requests/Aion Directives.

This achievement will take some time, as you must complete all Requests available to you in the first playthrough while also completing all Aion Directives available to you. There are 49 Requests available in the game, followed by 36 Directives that you can reasonably pursue, giving you a total of 85.

Alternatively, DLC Requests also go towards this achievement as well. You can also take on the same Requests/Directives in a New Game Plus, which contribute to this total. There are also new Requests and access to the final set of 9 Directives in a New Game Plus, which makes this achievement easy to earn in a second playthrough.

Blade Novice

Knocked down 10 or more enemies on the field.

Shortly after you learn how to explore dungeons, you will learn how to knock down enemies with Ringo’s sword. It shouldn’t be hard to knock down 10 enemies, especially when it helps you get a Bonus Attack on them.

Related to the Blade Master achievement.

Blade Master

Knocked down 50 or more enemies on the field.

This isn’t too difficult to do, as any enemy figure can be knocked down with Ringo’s sword (except purple Risky enemies). Just do this 50 times to get this achievement.

Trek Novice

Unlocked 4 or more Portals in dungeons.

Portals are green glowing pillars in dungeons that let you fast travel around, instead of walking the entire time. You will almost always find Portals before boss fights, and that makes this achievement almost impossible to miss.

Related to the Trek Master achievement.

Trek Master

Unlocked 70 or more Portals in dungeons.

The number of Portals to unlock looks daunting, but there are actually a lot of Portals throughout the game. This also includes Portals in the Soul Matrix, with about 4 Portals per floor per character. It might unlock when you are close to the end of the game, but it is possible to unlock this in your first playthrough.

Hanging In There, Team?

Talked with demonic allies on recon 15 times.

Once you are introduced to the concept of Demon Recon, you will see demons in your stock as you explore dungeons. They may have items, HP/MP restoration services, and can even help you recruit new demons. Scout demons constantly appear randomly around the map, and you just need to speak to them 15 times for this achievement.

Related to the Thanks for Everything achievement.

Thanks for Everything

Talked with demonic allies on recon 70 times.

Just talk to 70 scout demons who are doing Demon Recon to get this achievement. In your first playthrough, this is hard to miss since Demon Recon is a big part of building your team in the early-mid game.

The Sabbath Begins

Performed a sabbath.

You will learn how to use a Sabbath as part of the combat tutorial. As this will be one of your main forms of dealing damage, it will be very difficult to avoid this achievement, if you didn’t get it after the tutorial.

Related to the Witch-Queen of Demons achievement.

Thanks for Everything

Performed 100 sabbaths or more.

With Sabbaths happening often in the early-mid game as a form of combat (and will continue to be a source of damage in the future), this achievement should easily come if you don’t often run from combat.


Performed a sabbath with a Stack of 10 or more.

This is actually difficult to do if you haven’t been investing in Summoner Skills that don’t boost Stack counts. To perform a Sabbath with 10+ Stacks, you will need to invest in skills such as Weakness Stack that boost the number of Stacks added in combat.

Some skills, such as Critical Stack or Weakness Stack+ are luck-based and don’t always trigger. But they will be essential for hitting a stack of 10. Fortunately, if you have been exploring Soul Matrices, you have plenty of opportunities to access these skills. By the late game, you should easily be able to get 10-12 Stacks with some fights, getting you this achievement.


Dealt over 1,000 damage to an enemy in a single hit.

This sounds difficult, but you can always go back to the East Shipping Warehouse where the weakest enemies reside. Get into a fight with them and hit them with a Charged/Concentrated attack when you are around Level 40-50 to get this achievement. Alternatively, this achievement tends to pop up when playing on Easy difficulty where your damage output is increased.

Superb Command

Used a Commander Skill.

You will learn about Commander Skills shortly after you begin the game, and they can become lifesavers at critical moments. You must actually complete the usage of a skill; it’s not enough to select it and cancel your usage to get this achievement.

Related to the Battle-Scarred Commander achievement.

Battle-Scarred Commander

Used all Commander Skills.

This requires you to purchase all the Commander Skills available from Tatara and use them at least once in combat. Some require different turn amounts to recharge, but when it comes to using them for the first time, you get a full charge. Some skills are passively and are randomly used in battle. Others are more deliberate. The full list is:

  • Conversion
  • Stack Optimization
  • Auto-Repair
  • MP Optimization
  • Master Conversion
  • Damage Condenser
  • Turn Extension
  • Ailment Purge
  • Shield Deployment
  • Reboot
  • Overclock

One Fell Swoop

Eliminated 4 enemies or more in a single attack.

This sounds difficult, but with high level spells, it’s much easier. You can always come back to early dungeons such as Central Line, where there are plenty of weak enemies. Find a group of four, and use something like Maragidyne to toast them all for the achievement. Alternatively, a Charged Megidolaon will almost always decimate low level enemies.


Defeated an enemy via repelled damage.

This achievement can be tricky, because you will need an opponent close to death and one hit away from defeating themselves. You can achieve this with a demon that repels a certain element (ie. Rangda repelling Physical and Gun), or you can achieve this with Tetrakarn/Makarakarn. You are more likely to get this by accident; deliberate experiments are easier to do in low level areas.

Element of Surprise

Performed 10 or more bonus attacks.

Bonus attacks occur when you knock down an enemy with Ringo’s sword and move towards the enemy. It doesn’t always happen, though chances are high (and you can guarantee them with a COMP upgrade). However, you likely won’t need to wait that long. The occurrence rate is high enough that you will get the achievement if you keep knocking down and fighting enemies.


Achieved victory over a Risky Enemy.

Risky Enemies are purple enemies that are always 5-15 levels higher than you. They get stronger with your level and will always be ahead of you. You will fight Risky Enemies at Level 35 if you are Level 20-29, and Level 45 enemies at Level 30-39.

Early on, these enemies will likely overpower you (though fleeing from them is always an option). A good time to take them on is usually around Level 30 or so, if you know their weaknesses.

A good option to fight is when you have made it to Level 60-69, where you can fight a Doppelganger and Cu Chulainn combination. It’s easier since there are only 2 enemies. Doppelganger is weak to Gun, Cu Chulainn is weak to Electric and Ruin. Cu Chulainn is also vulnerable to ailments. While you still have to get a feel for fighting them yourself, this would be the recommended combination to get the achievement if you are struggling.

Bounty Hunter

Achieved victory against a Rare Enemy.

Rare Enemies are yellow enemies that tend to run away from you in the field, though you can easily catch up to them. They have naturally high Dodge and aren’t going to fight you for long before they Escape. If you do beat them, you can get valuable items to sell for a lot of money.

If you are taking them on, it helps to lower their Dodge with skills like Sukunda while boosting your own Aim/Dodge with Sukukaja. This helps increase your hit rate, and helps you take down the enemies. If you are struggling, they don’t change between dungeons. You can always return to Subway Line 14 (for example) at Level 70 and hunt one down if you haven’t done so already.

Hardcore Hacker

Won the final battle on HARD difficulty or higher.

This achievement only requires you to beat the final battle on Hard difficulty. You can just play through the game on Easy/Normal, then change the difficult to Hard right before the final battle. Win to get this achievement.

Artisan’s Craft

Upgraded a COMP at COMP Smith.

You are introduced to Tatara’s COMP upgrade service as a mandatory part of the early game. Saizo even gives you money for your first upgrade, though you don’t have to use it. You are able to make your first upgrade then, and that will get you the achievement. Alternatively, upgrade on your own time, as it doesn’t have to be done right away.

Related to the Tara’s Magnum Opus achievement.

Tara’s Magnum Opus

Performed 150 or more COMP upgrades at COMP Smith.

There are a lot of upgrades you can make with all characters’ COMPs. As long as you stay on top of the upgrades (or do them all at once), you will easily get this achievement while playing. Do note that the upgrades are expensive, and will require a lot of money.

Friends in Low Places

Received a gift from a demonic ally.

Scout demons in Demon Recon will sometimes give you a gift (marked by the four white icons). Just receive one of them to get this achievement.

Related to the Just Set it with the Rest achievement.

Just Set it with the Rest

Received 30 or more gifts from demonic allies.

As long as you keep collecting items from your scout demons, you will eventually get this achievement. It’s hard to miss as well, since these items will often be used for COMP upgrades or items used in battle.

A Profane Performance

Performed a Normal Fusion.

You must perform a regular fusion during your first visit to Cirque du Goumaden, and you have no choice but to keep fusing demons in order to stay ahead of your enemies. This achievement is almost impossible to miss.

Related to the Business is Booming achievement.

A Mythological Marvel

Performed a Special Fusion.

Special Fusions are a separate type of fusion, where you can often combine 2 or more demons to create a more powerful demon. The earliest Special Fusion is Take-Minakata at Level 14, but any Special Fusion is enough for this achievement.

A Mitama Masquerade

Performed a Mitama Fusion.

Mitama Fusions require the creation of a Mitama, which is done by fusing two Elements together. Mitamas are a way to upgrade your demon’s stats and pass on moves without forcing your demon to fuse. It’s not the easiest fusion to carry out, but you will get this achievement when you do. Be prepared to spend some money though.

Business is Booming

Performed 30 or more fusions.

As you need to fuse in order to keep up with the demons, you will get this achievement sooner or later. It is difficult to keep up with enemies without fusing, even if you play on Easy.

It Had to be You

Created a Pixie with Megidolaon.

The achievement is slightly misleading, since you can’t actually fuse Pixie. It’s the lowest level demon, and is recorded as such in your Compendium. To get Megidolaon onto Pixie, you must do it through a Mitama.

How you do it is up to you, but here is one way to do it:

  1. Fuse Huang Long as a Special Fusion as it has Megidolaon by default.
  2. Fuse Huang Long with Ananta to create a Milk-kin Frost. Remember to transfer Megidolaon over.
  3. Fuse that Milk-kin Frost with a B Hawaii Frost for a Saki Mitama or Melon Frost for Nigi Mitama. Make sure Megidolaon can be carried over.
  4. Fuse the resulting Mitama with Pixie and transfer the skill over to get the achievement.

Compendium Completionist

Filled the Demon Compendium’s registry to 100% completion.

This is one of the hardest achievements in the game to get, since you might not be sure why your Compendium is missing entries even after you have completed everything.

What the game doesn’t tell you is that Sandalphon, Asura, Chernobog, Sraosha, Mot, and Garuda must be defeated in the Soul Matrix before you can fuse them. To make matters worse, Sraosha, Mot, and Garuda can likely only be obtained in a New Game Plus, unless you have somehow managed to go all-in on a single character’s Soul Matrix in the first playthrough (which isn’t as smart idea).

Since accessing the 5F in all Soul Matrices requires a Soul Level of 200 with that character, you may want to wait until New Game Plus before you can get this achievement. Even then, it can only be obtained towards the end of the game, as you cannot access the 5F until then (or get enough Soul Level points to do so).


Bought items at all shops and vending machines.

You just need to buy items from every vendor in Mansei Realm, Karakucho, and Shinsando. This shouldn’t be hard to do as you will often pass by the shops consistently. You don’t have to buy everything either; just one item at each place is enough for the achievement.

The stores are as follows:

  • Zafiro
  • Bar Heidrun (Takeout)
  • De La Mancha
  • Vending Machine left of De La Mancha
  • Breaking MArt Convenience Store
  • Ramen Store
  • Pizza Store
  • COMP Smith
  • Yang Yang Palace

The Invisible Hand

Spent over 2,000,000 yen on shopping, COMP upgrades, fusion, and Compendium costs.

This is hard to miss, since COMP upgrades are the most expensive in the game. You will likely be fusing demons from your Compendium often, adding to the cost. It shouldn’t take long for you to spend 2,000,000 yen, especially because you get a lot of money from Requests and fighting Rare Enemies.

First Meal

Experienced a meal.

You will get a meal and learn about them as part of the tutorial. They give bonuses that are valuable at different stages in the game, and some never go out of style. This is hard to miss, even if you don’t think you need buffs as you explore (there’s no downside).

Related to the It’s Great to Have a Body! achievement.

It’s Great to Have a Body!

Experienced 30 or more different meals.

This requires you to have at least 30 meals. You can get new meals when characters give them to you when returning to the Safehouse or buying them at stores. For any unique food items, you can buy them as takeout at Bar Heidrun after the first meal. You don’t have to eat every food item, but you do have to come close.

There are over 30 different food items throughout the game, and they are:

  1. Vitamin Spaghetti
  2. Humble Mushroom Rice Porridge
  3. Chakra Flan
  4. Prayer Bouillabaisse
  5. Negoti-ale
  6. In-sider
  7. Placebo Drink
  8. Demon Dew
  9. Stealth Camo Salad
  10. Chewy Taiyaki
  11. Lucky Draw Chinese Bao
  12. Sancho’s Sweet Potato
  13. Promise Mille-feuille
  14. Admiration City Plate
  15. Critical Boscaiola
  16. Dextrous Pescatora
  17. Aim Bambino
  18. Philanthropic Shoyu Ramen
  19. Goma Miso Ramen
  20. Featherlight Wonton Ramen
  21. Spiritual Cold Ramen
  22. Inspiration Macaron
  23. Greedy Babaocai
  24. Lively Apple Pie
  25. Adversity Marinara
  26. Varja Sara Udon
  27. Superfast Noodle Cup
  28. Green Apple Cider
  29. Purity Shio Ramen
  30. Beginner Bianca
  31. Farm-raised Eelburger
  32. Devotion Tsukemen
  33. Fruitful Hawaiian

Brimming with Curiosity

Chatted with pedestrians in the city 50 times or more.

Just talk with pedestrians that you meet. Some give valuable advice about the game, while others have meaningless information that is just for flavor. Doesn’t have to be 50 unique pedestrians, but 50 chats for the achievement.

Soul Hackers 2

Obtained all achievements, and completed Soul Hackers 2 in its entirety.

The final achievement you obtain after completing all other achievements. This will always be obtained last.



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