Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Control Guide on Switch


Keep scrolling down for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet controls on Switch.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Control Guide
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet general controls for Switch

  • Move and Dash: LS
  • Control Camera: RS
  • Investigate or Talk: A
  • Crouch or Rise: B
  • Focus on Nearby Target: ZL
  • Aim and Throw Pokémon: ZR (hold and release)
  • Switch Item or Pokémon: L and R
  • Check Arc Phone and Open Menu: X
  • Check Pokédex: –
  • Ride Pokémon: + (once unlocked)
  • Ride Pokémon Dash: B (while riding)
  • Ride Pokémon Jump: Y (while riding)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet battle controls for Switch

  • Move Cursor: LS
  • Control Camera: RS
  • Select Move: A
  • Run Away: B
  • Ready Item or Pokéball: X
  • Check Status: +
  • Check Items: D-Pad Up
  • Check Party: D-Pad Down
  • Terastallize: A (after highlighting option with fully charged Tera Orb)

Hope this article helps you with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet control guide on Switch and check out the official Pokemon Scarlet and Violet website!

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