Marvel Movies: How to Watch MCU movies in Order (with Official Trailers)


Wondering how you should watch Marvel movies in the order they are supposed to be watched? Read below for the guide and trailers of MCU movies!

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Marvel movies posters

Marvel Movie #1: Captain America: The First Avenger (1942-1943)

MCU Captain America: The First Avenger official trailer

Marvel Movie #2: Captain Marvel (1995)

MCU Captain Marvel official trailer

Marvel Movie #3: Iron Man (2010)

MCU Iron Man (not the official) trailer

Marvel Movie #4: Iron Man 2 (2011)

MCU Iron Man 2 (not the official) trailer

Marvel Movie #5: The Incredible Hulk (2011)

MCU The Incredible Hulk (not the official) trailer

Marvel Movie #6: Thor (2011)

MCU Thor official trailer

Marvel Movie #7: The Avengers (2012)

MCU The Avengers official trailer

Marvel Movie #8: Iron Man 3 (2012)

MCU Iron Man 3 official trailer

Marvel Movie #9: Thor: Dark World (2013)

MCU Thor: The Dark World official trailer

Marvel Movie #10: Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014)

MCU Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer

Marvel Movie #11: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

MCU Guardians of the Galaxy official trailer

Marvel Movie #12: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2014)

MCU Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 official trailer

Marvel Movie #13: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

MCU Avengers: Age of Ultron official trailer

Marvel Movie #14: Ant-Man (2015)

MCU Ant-Man official trailer

Marvel Movie #15: Captain America: Civil War (2016)

MCU Captain America: The Civil War trailer

Marvel Movie #16: Black Widow (2016)

MCU Black Widow official trailer

Read Black Widow (2021): Movie Summary here

Marvel Movie #17: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2016)

MCU Spiderman: Homecoming trailer

Marvel Movie #18: Doctor Strange (2016)

MCU Doctor Strange official trailer

Marvel Movie #19: Black Panther (2017)

MCU Black Panther official trailer

Marvel Movie #20: Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

MCU Thor: Ragnarok official trailer

Marvel Movie #21: Avengers: Infinity War (2017)

MCU Avengers: Infinity War official trailer

Marvel Movie: 22: Ant-Man and the Wasp (2017)

MCU The Ant-Man and the Wasp official trailer

Marvel Movie #23: Avengers: Endgame (2018-2023)

MCU Avengers: Endgame official trailer

Marvel Movie #24: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2024)

MCU Spider-Man: Far From Home

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