TV Shows

Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 10 recap


Hey guys! Here is Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 10 recap where the story revolves around the group of friends since high school as they embark on hospital adventures involving medicine, music, and relationships.

Read Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 recap

Leather themed band practice

The story starts with Kwang-hyeon, Jae-hak, Seon-bin and Seok-min chilling and enjoying their ice cream at Yulje garden center while talking about how nice it has been not to have emergency calls or critical patients to monitor in the ICU. Jae-hak mentions that he is grateful, especially that his wife will be coming to Yulje have lunch with him. They also talked about the five doctor’s band name is Gongnyong Ridge. Originally, the band started as a hiking club with Jeong-won loves hiking and likes the Dinosaur Ridge. Therefore the name “Gongnyong” as in “Dinosaur.” However, the hiking trail is very tough and that is the reason why they still have not gone there. The five doctors just go to the entrance and leaves after taking photos.

The band books a weekend vacation at Mount Seorak

In front of Yulje’s emergency exit, Jun-wan, Ik-jun and Seok-hyung are fighting against Jeong-won about hiking. Each have their own reasons. Jun-wan says he will not go, Ik-jun says his eyes get dry easily and can not go hiking, while Seok-hyeong says mountains should be admired, not climbed. They even say “no” in unison after Jeong-won’s multiple attempt to convince them. Song-hwa’s car arrives to pick them up, Jeong-won grabs Ik-jun to take the front seat and then Seok-hyeong and Jun-wan drag Ik-jun to sit at the middle seat at the back.

On their way to the band practice, Song-hwa says that they could pick-up hamburger for dinner at a fast-food drive through. The four male doctors loves the idea and say out their orders and keep changing their orders one after the other simultaneously until getting on Song-hwa’s nerves. She explodes and gives everyone just a minute to tell her their order.

They arrive at fast-food drive through and Song-hwa give their orders to the crew: three 1955 Burger combos, one Spicy Shanghai Burger combo and one egg bulgogi combo. All with large French fries. Can we get Sprint instead of Coke for just one of the combos? We’d also like two vanilla shakes and one strawberry shake. And two chicken mozzarella burgers. Just the burger, not the combo. Five of the six-piece nuggets. That’s it. And the four male doctors are astonished at Song-hwa’s good memory.

At Seok-hyeong’s house, the band discusses for a weekend together before Ik-jun’s birthday while eating their dinner. They agree and book a place by the entrance 7km away from Mount Seorak.

Gyeo-ul’s secret about her family is revealed

Gyeo-ul goes out of Yulje’s emergency exit and meets his younger brother, Ga-eul. Gyeo-ul learns about his brother’s engagement has been called off by his fiancé. He says that he saw it coming. It is probably because he told her the truth about their family, about his dad who not be coming to their wedding – because he is in jail for physical abuse. Their mother ended up at the hospital with a broken nose, a rib fracture, and a ruptured eardrum.

Gyeo-ul tells him that she knew about it when their mom calls her time to time. But she ignored it. She convinced herself not to worry, that everything is fine and turned a blind eye. Now, she feels bad and terrible for it, and that is why she could not help but think only about mother. She apologizes to his younger brother for not being able to comfort him for getting hurt of a broken engagement.

Jae-hak talks about his marriage to Jun-wan

Jun-wan and Jae-hak take a quick break at the lounge. Jae-hak says that Jun-wan is the only person who have not asked him why does not he have children. With a cold face, Jun-wan asks why should he be curious if he himself do not even have time to deal with his own problems.

Jae-hak continues to share anyway. He says that he and his wife are of the same age. They got married after dating for over three years. They decided to hold off on having kids when they got first married because they lived off to his wife’s single income since Jae-hak was still at school. Five years into the marriage, they decided to have a baby, however, it did not go well. His wife was so stressed out as they both struggle to conceive. And on her 40th birthday last year, she announced that she decided that she won’t have a baby. She has been exhausted physically and mentally. She told him that she want to live a fun life with him, just the two of them, which he agreed right away. Jae-hak says he always wanted a kid, but hate to see his wife stressed out.

Jae-hak looks at Jun-wan and asks him if he knows that he enjoy the most. Jun-wan tries to be curious with a cold face. Jae-hak smiles warmly and tells him that having a beet at home with his wife after work and chatting with her is what he enjoys the most. Complaining about his co-workers and talking about the surgeries he did. They would also talk about her work while bad-mouthing their families together. They talk about all sorts of stuff. He says it would be nice to have kids but he also enjoy this life with his wife who is like a best friend. When he is with his wife, he feels comfortable and they have so much fun together.

He looks at Jun-wan and sees him staring back at him. He apologizes that he babbled away. After a long silence, Jun-wan, still with his cold face, tells him that he envies them with a sincere tone.

Jae-hak faces a family dilemma

Jae-hak’s wife visits him at Yulje hospital for their lunch date, however, his wife is feeling unwell so they went to the emergency room for procedures after she experiences stomach pain. Much to thrir surprise, his wife is positive for HCG in urinalysis and Seok-hyeong confirms it with ultrasound that the baby is at week ten.

Jae-hak’s wife is strong in her firm that she did not plan to get pregnant and wants to terminate the pregnancy. But after Seok-yeong shows them the healthy and good baby movements of his tiny arms and legs recordings from ultrasound, she realizes how much she wants to keep her baby and asks him how she could take care of herself and her baby. She also mentions that she noticed a lump at her breast if it is caused by her pregnancy. But Seok-hyeong suggests them to see a breast surgeon just to make sure.

Confirmed by the breast surgeon, Jae-hak’s wife has stage two breast cancer and is advised which decision to choose: terminate the pregnancy and start with chemotherapy right away or continue with the pregnancy but delay the chemotherapy, without assurance if the tumor will continue to grow or not. Jae-hak’s wife adamantly chooses to delay her chemotherapy, even if it takes her life just to protect her baby from treatments which may harm him, but Jae-hak insists for pregnancy termination to save his wife’s life. Seok-hyeong says it would be irresponsible if the mother dies when the baby is finally ready to meet her and convinces them that they could wait until the baby is three more weeks before starting with chemotherapy, like many others. Jae-hak and his wife cries after hearing Seok-hyeong words of hope that they could keep their baby and still focus on her treatment.

The band goes to Sokcho for the weekend

As planned, Song-hwa and Jun-wan join Ik-jun while Jeong-won joins Seok-hyeong. However, after multiple emergency calls from the hospital, only Jun-wan and Seok-hyeong arrives at the place.

Much to their own surprise, Seok-hyeong and Jun-wan realizes that they have opposite interests and clashes during their vacation stay at Sokcho. Jun-wan wants to watch re-run golf competition while Seok-hyeong wants to watch re-run New Journey to the West. Jun-wan likes to drink beer but Seok-hyeong likes to drink soju. Jun-wan feels cold but Seok-hyeong feels hot. Jun-wan wants to sleep but Seok-hyeong wants to eat.

Jun-wan and Ik-sun fix their relationship

Jun-wan and Ik-sun agrees to meet at The Steak In Front of the Hospital, however, Jun-wan runs late after his surgery prior their appointment. Jun-wan changes his clothes to a formal attire and runs as fast as he can, somehow, expecting that Ik-sun already left the place. He looks around, and finally, he sees Ik-sun waiting for him.

Ik-sun clarifies about her lying about her third party relationship. Ik-sun’s real reason for her break-up with Jun-wan is because she was afraid to become additional burden to him, on top of his everyday life being a doctor. She was just afraid of getting hurt, so she has hurt him first instead. She apologizes and acknowledges herself as selfish and tells him that she still likes him and kept his photo as her phone’s wallpaper. Jun-wan tells her that he could never pretend nothing happened between them if they run into each other from time to time.

Seok-hyeong asks Min-ha on a date

Min-ha is doing her thesis at her desk when Seok-hyeong comes in looking for her. He asks if she has plans over the next weekend and if they could go out, his treat.

The Ending of Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 10

A phone rings at Yulje’s emergency center, reporting a patient status who will be transferred to them. The patient collapsed after getting hit by someone in the back of the head. Upon checking the identity of the individual, he is a confirmed doctor at Yulje.


This is my biographical info

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