Flyff Universe Quest Guide by Level

Looking for a guide quest while playing Flyff Universe? Look no further! Here are the list of quests by level you can accomplish while leveling up. These list does not contain Class change quests, Dungeon quests, P.K quests and Special quests.

Here are Flyff Universe Quest Guide:

Level 1 – 15

NameMin. levelMax. levelTodoRewards
Introduction to Armor1120Speak to BobokuGold: 500
Experience: 40%
Introduction to Weapons1120Speak to LudaGold: 1.000
Experience: 40%
Welcome to Madrigal!1120Speak to BobokoGold: 500
Experience: 40%
A Vagrant’s First Steps (1)2120Speak to LudaGold: 2.500
Experience: 80%
Introduction to Shields2120Collect 1 Long Sword
Speak to Losha
Gold: 1.200
Experience: 60%
Items: 1x Green Shield
A Vagrant’s First Steps (2)3120Speak to LudaGold: 10.000
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 80%
Items: 50x Biscuit (Soul linked)
1x Essentials Box III (Soul linked)
New Puppy Yorrn5120Collect 1 Yorrn
Speak to Loyah
Gold: 15.000
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 25%
Party of Is7120Collect 3 Chupim
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 3.500
Experience: 35%
Unknown Situation (1) (Quest:3299)7120Collect 10 Unknown Certificate
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 3.500
Experience: 35%
Unknown Situation (1) (Quest:8528)7120Collect 10 Unknown Letter
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 3.500
Experience: 35%
Flying Board8120Collect 3 Peakyrind
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 4.000
Experience: 35%
Fresh Start for Mop9120Collect 3 Mop
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 4.500
Experience: 35%
Doridori Sushi (Quest)10120Kill 1 Captain Mushpang
Kill 1 Small Doridoma
Collect 12 Doridoma Keratin
Collect 5 Mushpang Secretion
Speak to Sotta
Experience: 20%
Items: 5x Doridori Sushi
Gems for Wands11120Collect 4 Poporam
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 5.500
Experience: 35%
Cookie Machine, Valin Baget13120Collect 4 Slain
Speak to Mikyel
Experience: 35%
Items: 1x Essentials Box V

Level 15 – 60

NameMin. levelMax. levelTodoRewards
Bridge to Terror-bithia15120Kill 1 Giant Demian
Speak to Reonan
Experience: 28%
Initiation of Champions15120Kill 5 Grownup Lawolf
Kill 10 Lawolf
Speak to Reonan
Experience: 23%
Magic Quill15120Collect 5 Tarin Root
Speak to Mikyel
Experience: 35%
Items: 1x Essentials Box IV
The Mayor’s Aid15120Speak to Mayor of FlarineGold: 10.000
Experience: 23%
Items: 1x Essentials Box III (Soul linked)
50x Pizza (Soul linked)
Trouble-Maker in Pumpkin Village15120Speak to MayunGold: 50.000
Weed Whacked!15120Kill 5 2nd Class Fefern
Kill 10 Fefern
Speak to Reonan
Experience: 23%
10 Year anniversary gift17120Collect 5 Star Stone
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 8.500
Experience: 35%
Items: 25x Nearest Town Blinkwing
A Hero Emerges!17120Speak to ReonanGold: 15.000
Experience: 28%
Lyangglatang17120Collect 5 Nyanyang
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 8.500
Experience: 35%
Items: 50x Barbecue
Stomping Grounds17120Kill 10 Bang
Kill 5 Captain Bang
Speak to Mayor of Flarine
Experience: 23%
The Furry Menace17120Kill 10 Cute Nyangnyang
Kill 5 Nyangnyang
Speak to Mayor of Flarine
Experience: 23%
A Warm Reception?18120Speak to Mayor of Saint CityGold: 5.000
Experience: 23%
Dispatch to Saint City18120Speak to LeannGold: 5.000
Experience: 23%
Corrupted Cabbage Patch19120Kill 10 Small Wagsaac
Kill 5 Wagsaac
Speak to Mayor of Saint City
Gold: 10.000
Experience: 23%
Liquor for Dunkan19120Collect 6 Golden Wing
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 9.500
Experience: 35%
A Mother’s Embrace20120Speak to LuzinaGold: 15.000
Experience: 23%
Items: 1x Stam Ring (Soul linked)
A Mother’s Fury20120Speak to LuzinaGold: 5.000
Experience: 23%
Bone of Wagsaac20120Collect 10 Pieces of Wagsaac Bone
Speak to Heltung
Experience: 25%
Chapter 1 The Field of Bubble (Quest:1696)20120Collect 1 Proof of Continent Division
Collect 1 Recommendation of Gothante
Speak to Hachal
Chapter 1: Field of Bubble: The Strange Pattern20120Collect 1 Piece of Strange Cloth
Speak to Hachal
Cracked Continent20120Collect 5 Stone Piece of Darkon
Collect 5 Stone Piece of Flaris
Collect 5 Stone Piece of Saint Morning
Speak to Historian Martinyc
Items: 1x Proof of Continent Division
Doll of Mia20120Collect 1 Jinyoung Doll
Speak to JeongHwa
Experience: 30%
Facts of Mia20120Speak to Mayor of Saint CityExperience: 20%
Items: 1x Book of Secret Disappearances
Gene of Wagsaac20120Collect 10 Pieces of Wagsaac DNA
Speak to Heltung
Experience: 25%
Helper Text Book20120Collect 1 Lesson 2
Speak to Is
Experience: 20%
Kids Disappeared?20120Kill 20 Small Mia
Speak to Porgo
Gold: 43.200
Experience: 25%
Laws of Aviation (1)20120Speak to DiorGold: 25.000
Experience: 10%
Laws of Aviation (2)20120Speak to DiorExperience: 15%
Laws of Aviation (3)20120Speak to TinaExperience: 15%
Laws of Aviation (4)20120Kill 5 Captain Mothbee
Speak to Tina
Experience: 15%
Laws of Aviation (5)20120Collect 1 Letter of Recommendation (Flying)
Speak to Dior
Experience: 10%
Legend of Dreadpet Big Thyred2029Kill 1 Organigor
Collect 1 1st Book of Dread
Collect 1 Fortress Map
Speak to Novelist Gergantes
Items: 1x Heart of Thyred
Like finding a Hair band in a Pumpkin Patch20120Collect 1 Marble Hairband
Speak to Nersha
Gold: 5.000
Experience: 23%
No Rest for the Wicked20120Speak to Mayor of Saint CityGold: 30.000
Experience: 23%
Nothing Like a Home Cooked Meal20120Collect 3 Sharp Edge
Speak to Luzina
Experience: 28%
Pint Sized Hero20120Kill 5 Mia
Kill 10 Small Mia
Speak to Nerco
Gold: 10.000
Experience: 23%
Plot Begins20120Speak to Chairman of History Society GothanteGold: 12.500
Inventory spaces: 3
Experience: 23%
Items: 1x Recommendation of Gothante
Questioning20120Collect 1 Scholarship Application
Speak to Mayor of Flarine
Sound which calls the Dark20120Speak to Dr. EstlyExperience: 15%
Soups On!20120Speak to NercoExperience: 23%
Take to the Skies!20120Speak to DiorGold: 50.000
Experience: 20%
Items: 10x Acceleration Fuel (Soul linked)
Tears of Mother20120Speak to PorgoExperience: 30%
The Rusty Shackle20120Speak to LuzinaExperience: 23%
Items: 1x Demol Earring (Soul linked)
Uncovered Past20120Collect 1 Disappearance Investigation
Speak to Porgo
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 20%
Sweet Dessert21120Collect 6 Blue Honey
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 10.500
Experience: 35%
Moth Infestation22120Kill 15 Mothbee
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 12.500
Experience: 20%
Phantom of Fear22120Kill 1 Mutant Fefern King
Kill 1 Mutant Nyangnyang Queen
Speak to Dr. Estly
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 25%
Blessed Doll23120Collect 7 Mia Doll
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 11.500
Experience: 35%
Lost Documents23120Collect 20 Office Document
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 11.500
Experience: 35%
Brightly Burning Flame25120Collect 8 Furious Match
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 12.500
Experience: 25%
Moth Infestation (2)25120Kill 1 Giant Mothbee
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 40.000
Experience: 20%
Items: 50x Pizza (Soul linked)
Unknown Situation (2)25120Collect 30 Unknown Letter
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 12.500
Experience: 35%
Chapter 1: Field of Bubble: The Violet Magician Troupe26120Kill 1 Master of the Violet Magician Troupe
Kill 10 Member of the Violet Magician Troupe
Speak to Hachal
Gold: 15.800
Inventory spaces: 3
Experience: 20%
Chapter 2 Hill of Shade26120Collect 1 Unknown Mark
Speak to Manager of Ancient Document Rovanett
Chapter 2 Hill of Shade: History of Hardship26120Collect 1 Book of Troubled History
Speak to Hachal
Gold: 124.800
Inventory spaces: 3
Chapter 2 Hill of Shade: The Great Troupe Leader.26120Collect 1 Piece of Unknown Cloth
Collect 1 Unknown Mark
Speak to Manager of Ancient Document Rovanett
Chapter 3 Purple Magician26120Collect 1 Data Examined by Hachal
Speak to Chairman of History Society Gothante
Chapter 3 Purple Magician: The Secret of the Altar26120Collect 1 Ancient Book
Speak to Chairman of History Society Gothante
Evidence of the Portrait 126120Speak to High-Dwarpet TucaniExperience: 30%
Items: 1x 1st Portrait Clue
Evidence of the Portrait 226120Speak to AncimysExperience: 20%
Items: 1x 2nd Portrait Clue
Find the Portrait of Radion26120Speak to HelgarExperience: 25%
Get the Portrait Back26120Collect 1 Portrait of Radion
Speak to Rudvihil
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 50%
Delicious Sauce27120Collect 15 Cardrin
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 27.000
Experience: 25%
Mutated Aibatts27120Kill 15 Zendros
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 25.000
Experience: 20%
Mia, the Cursed Name28120Speak to PorgoGold: 32.000
Inventory spaces: 1
Secret Trade28120Collect 1 Disappearence Evidence
Speak to Mayor of Saint City
Items: 1x Gore Necklace (Soul linked)
Special Kids28120Kill 5 Captain Mia
Kill 7 Mia
Collect 22 Mia Report
Speak to Porgo
Experience: 20%
Chapter 3 Purple Magician: A Mysterious Bead.29120Collect 1 Mysterious Black Gem
Collect 1 Mysterious Red Gem
Speak to Chairman of History Society Gothante
Experience: 25%
Chapter 3 Purple Magician: Identity of the Purple Magician29120Collect 1 Book of Laola
Speak to Chairman of History Society Gothante
Inventory spaces: 3
Experience: 20%
Chapter 3 Purple Magician: The Great Magician Laola29120Collect 1 Mysterious Black Gem
Collect 1 Mysterious Red Gem
Speak to Great Magician Laola
Chapter 4 Their Shadow 29120Collect 1 Scroll of Gothante
Speak to Historian Martinyc
Magic Orb29120Collect 15 Hammarble
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 29.000
Experience: 25%
Power in Numbers29120Kill 4 Bucrow
Kill 8 Small Bucrow
Speak to Mayor of Saint City
Experience: 23%
Dangerous War30120Kill 5 Vice Veduque
Speak to Dr. Estly
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 25%
Items: 1x Mars Dungeon Key (Soul linked)
Find Luda’s Cash Box30120Speak to LudaExperience: 30%
Find Red Bang Thieves30120Collect 1 Red Bang Head
Speak to Luda
Experience: 25%
Hero of Saint City30120Collect 1 Hobo Sword
Speak to Mayor of Saint City
Experience: 23%
Items: 1x Elemental Card Box (Soul linked)
Identity of Red Bang Troupe30120Kill 1 Red Bang Troupe Leader
Kill 5 Red Bang Troupe Member
Collect 7 Symbol of Red Bang Troupe
Speak to Luda
Gold: 357.000
Experience: 30%
Legend of Dreadpet Krren Dacid3039Kill 1 Gangard
Collect 1 2nd Book of Dread
Collect 1 Temple Map
Speak to Novelist Gergantes
Items: 1x Heart of Dasied
Menacing Phantom30120Kill 1 Serus Uriel
Kill 3 Worm Veduque
Speak to Dr. Estly
Experience: 40%
Items: 2x Power Dice Box (Soul linked)
Mutated Aibatts (2)30120Kill 1 Giant Zendros
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 45.000
Experience: 20%
Items: 1x Essentials Box IV (Soul linked)
Returning Home in Glory30120Speak to ReonanGold: 30.000
Experience: 45%
Revenge of Red Bang Troupe30120Kill 1 Red Bang Troupe Leader
Collect 1 Entanale Sword (Item:1136)
Speak to Luda
Experience: 20%
Items: 1x Entanale Box (Soul linked)
Serus Uriel (Quest)30120Collect 5 Piece of Key
Speak to Dr. Estly
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 24%
Mark of Bill31120Collect 15 Gigglande
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 31.000
Experience: 25%
Repair Work on Saint Hall33120Collect 15 Crescent Stone
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 33.000
Experience: 25%
Dragonflies34120Kill 15 Captain Neparuba
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 25.000
Experience: 20%
Troupe Leader, Lord Bang34120Kill 1 Lord Bang
Collect 1 Necklace of Lord Bang
Speak to Luda
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 25%
Helping injured animals35120Collect 18 Boband
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 35.000
Experience: 25%
Plot of Colack35120Collect 5 Meteoritill
Speak to Colack
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 35%
Missing Play Script37120Speak to ColarExperience: 25%
Strange Collector (Quest)37120Collect 20 Dumbling
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 37.000
Experience: 25%
Dragonflies (2)38120Kill 1 Giant Neparuba
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 50.000
Experience: 20%
Items: 1x Stam Ring (Soul linked)
For the Wife39120Collect 25 Kalin
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 39.000
Experience: 25%
A Chest full of Memories40120Collect 1 Fragment of Memories
Speak to Hael
Experience: 15%
Create Guild40120Speak to Helena
Legend of Dreadpet Moot Arvan4050Kill 1 Hadeseor
Collect 1 3rd Book of Dread
Collect 1 Boggy Map
Speak to Novelist Gergantes
Items: 1x Heart of Arvan
Mysterious Bounty Hunter40120Speak to HaelExperience: 15%
Quest for Truth40120Speak to HandelGold: 30.000
Experience: 15%
Seeing Through to the Past40120Speak to Sage RadionGold: 20.000
Experience: 15%
Shards of Memory40120Collect 1 Memory Shard
Speak to Ancimys
Experience: 15%
Items: 1x Fragment of Memories
The First Pendant40120Speak to ReonanExperience: 15%
Time is Money40120Kill 10 Vice Veduque
Speak to Hael
Experience: 23%
Flybrigen Brigade41120Kill 15 Flybrigen
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 35.000
Experience: 20%
Weak Heart41120Collect 25 Clock Heart
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 41.000
Experience: 25%
Endless Loop42120Collect 1 Ancient Inscription
Speak to Handel
Experience: 15%
Essence of the Gods42120Kill 7 Basque
Kill 15 Phantom Basque
Collect 1 Essence of Bubble
Speak to BowlMerchant Bowler
Experience: 25%
Slaves to Shade42120Kill 15 Small Tombstone Bearer
Kill 7 Tombstone Bearer
Speak to Handel
Experience: 23%
Devil Marble43120Collect 28 Tomb Marble
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 43.000
Experience: 25%
Save the Garden! (Part 1)43120Collect 10 Bearer Heart
Speak to Ann
Save the Garden! (Part 2)43120Speak to Kimberley
Save the Garden! (Part 3)43120Collect 1 Live Tea
Speak to Ann
Gold: 45.000
Items: 1x Plug Earring (Soul linked)
Facts of Bone Bowl44120Collect 1 Bone Bowl
Speak to Strange Collector
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 25%
Flybrigen Brigade (2)44120Kill 1 Giant Flybrigen
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 65.000
Experience: 20%
Items: 1x Ring +3 Box (Soul linked)
Origin of Bone Bowl44120Speak to BowlMerchant BowlerExperience: 20%
The 1st Bone Bowl44120Collect 5 Black Curse Book
Collect 5 Black Heroca
Collect 10 Black Tombmarble
Speak to BowlMerchant Bowler
Experience: 25%
Items: 1x Bone Bowl
Darkon: The Mysterious Continent45120Speak to Darken MayorGold: 50.000
Experience: 23%
Door of Dark45120Speak to Mayor of Saint CityExperience: 30%
Dream of the Fighter45120Collect 28 Golden Fist
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 45.000
Experience: 25%
Essence of the Gods (2)45120Kill 7 Prankster
Kill 15 Small Mage Prankster
Collect 1 Essence of Shade
Speak to Handel
Experience: 23%
Guardians of the Temple45120Kill 10 Iblis Crasher
Kill 1 Iblis Guardian
Collect 1 Parchment of War
Speak to Handel
Experience: 28%
Revelation45120Speak to ReonanExperience: 23%
The Great Teacher Inisis45120Speak to Mentor InisisGold: 35.000
Experience: 23%
The Moment of Truth45120Speak to HandelExperience: 23%
The Problem with Leyenas45120Kill 10 Leyena
Kill 20 Small Leyena
Speak to Darken Mayor
Experience: 23%
Flying Circus47120Kill 15 Rockepeller
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 80.000
Experience: 20%
Marbles for the Son47120Collect 30 Orbrin
Speak to Lancomi
Gold: 47.000
Experience: 25%
Temple of Crowns4870Collect 1 Rubbed Copy of the Iblis Revelation
Speak to Mayor of Saint City
Experience: 25%
Temple of the Clown48120Collect 1 Rubbed Copy of the Iblis Revelation
Speak to Mayor of Saint City
Experience: 25%
Looking for the Play Script49120Collect 6 Script
Speak to Pepoview Ruminerr
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 35%
Items: 1x Essentials Box VII
Breaking the Curse (1)50120Collect 1 Forsaken Soul
Speak to Reodos
Experience: 23%
Breaking the Curse (2)50120Collect 1 Steel Piece
Speak to Amadolka
Experience: 23%
Breaking the Curse (3)50120Speak to CellGold: 30.000
Experience: 23%
Breaking the Curse (4)50120Speak to ReodosGold: 30.000
Experience: 23%
Corrupted Hunter50120Kill 1 Giant Trangfoma
Speak to Mentor Inisis
Experience: 23%
Items: 1x Demol Earring (Soul linked)
Peculiar Creature50120Speak to ReodosGold: 40.000
Experience: 23%
Steel Knight Night!50120Kill 20 Small Steel Knight
Kill 10 Steel Knight
Speak to Reodos
Experience: 23%
The Flower that Time Forgot50120Collect 1 Time Lapse Flower
Speak to Reodos
Gold: 40.000
Experience: 23%
Items: 1x Elemental Hero’s Pendant
1x Power Dice Box (Soul linked)
The Pendant of Reodos50120Collect 1 Elemental Hero’s Pendant
Speak to Reonan
Gold: 30.000
Experience: 23%
Flying Circus (2)51120Kill 1 Giant Rockepeller
Speak to Mikyel
Gold: 100.000
Experience: 20%
Items: 50x Blue Pill (Soul linked)
75x Star Candy (Soul linked)
Strange Collector (2)51120Collect 40 Toma
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 153.000
Experience: 23%
The Revival52120Kill 8 Iblis Crasher
Speak to Mayor of Saint City
Experience: 25%
Lens of Olien53120Collect 40 Steam Tear
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 159.000
Experience: 23%
Red Muffler55120Collect 40 Knightler
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 165.000
Experience: 23%
Dwarpet Festival57120Collect 40 Wheeshoe
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 171.000
Experience: 23%
Into the Dark58120Kill 1 Iblis Guardian
Collect 1 Pattern of Iblis Guardian
Speak to Mayor of Saint City
Experience: 35%
Crane Repair59120Collect 40 Droil
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 177.000
Experience: 23%

Level 60 – 120

NameMin. levelMax. levelTodoRewards
A Test of Trust60120Kill 15 Captain Volt
Kill 15 Volt
Speak to Zoro
Experience: 23%
Customer Satisfaction60120Speak to AchabenExperience: 15%
In the Shadow of the Mountains60120Kill 15 Captain Driller
Kill 10 Small Volt
Speak to Dr. Est
Experience: 23%
Internal War of Red Bang Troupe60120Speak to LudaExperience: 20%
Key to the Prison (Quest)60120Collect 1 Prison Key
Speak to Zoro
Experience: 23%
Legendary Redmantis (Part 1)60120Speak to HelgarGold: 50.000
Experience: 15%
Legendary Redmantis (Part 2)60120Kill 10 Red Mantis C
Collect 15 Redyspawn
Speak to Helgar
Gold: 75.000
Experience: 25%
New Lord Bang60120Speak to LudaExperience: 23%
The Insightful Store Owner (Quest:1895)60120Speak to AchabenExperience: 15%
The Insightful Store Owner (Quest:7335)60120Collect 10 Hard Drill
Speak to Remine
Experience: 23%
The Jester Hero!60120Speak to ZoroExperience: 15%
The Retired Hero60120Speak to ElaineGold: 50.000
Experience: 23%
Trials and Tribulations60120Speak to ReodosGold: 100.000
Experience: 28%
Items: 1x Scroll of Weapon Bonus (Soul linked)
Urgently looking for a Bandage60120Collect 45 Grrr Bandage
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 180.000
Experience: 23%
Portable Power61120Collect 45 Ampere
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 183.000
Experience: 23%
Ambition of Lord Bang62120Kill 35 Red Bang Troupe Leader
Speak to Amadolka
Experience: 30%
Construction Gone Awry62120Kill 15 Garbagespider
Kill 20 Small Garbagespider
Speak to Elaine
Experience: 23%
Elaine’s Reply62120Speak to ZoroExperience: 15%
Forest Destroyers62120Kill 15 Elderguard
Kill 20 Small Elderguard
Collect 1 Letter of Zoro
Speak to Elaine
Experience: 23%
Repressing the Past62120Collect 1 Promise Ring
Speak to Zoro
Experience: 23%
The Promise Ring62120Collect 1 Promise Ring
Speak to Elaine
Experience: 15%
Time to Resign62120Speak to Darken MayorExperience: 15%
A Brighter, Cleaner Darkon!63120Speak to ElaineGold: 75.000
Experience: 15%
Darkon’s Environmental Management63120Speak to Darken MayorExperience: 23%
Strange Collector (3)63120Collect 45 Guardieye
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 189.000
Experience: 23%
Zenma Hunting63120Kill 15 Zenma
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 150.000
Experience: 23%
Legendary Redmantis (Part 3)64120Kill 1 Emerald Mantis
Collect 1 Emerald Mantis Egg
Speak to Rudvihil
Gold: 145.000
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 30%
Replacement Tires64120Collect 45 Dumptire
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 192.000
Experience: 23%
Gathering of Heroes65120Speak to ReodosGold: 100.000
Experience: 56%
Items: 2x Power Dice Box (Soul linked)
2x Scroll of GProtect (Soul linked)
2x Scroll of SProtect (Soul linked)
Strange Collector (4)65120Collect 45 Garbageton
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 195.000
Experience: 23%
The Squirrels Took It!65120Collect 1 Hero’s Pendant
Speak to Elaine
Experience: 23%
United We Stand65120Collect 1 Hero’s Pendant
Speak to Reonan
Experience: 15%
Zoro’s Pendant65120Speak to ZoroExperience: 10%
Unified Red Bang Troupe66120Speak to AmadolkaInventory spaces: 1
Experience: 35%
Relics of a Husband67120Collect 45 Eronior
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 201.000
Experience: 23%
Disguise of Remina68120Collect 45 Repygle
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 204.000
Experience: 23%
Zenma Hunting (2)68120Kill 1 Giant Zenma
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 200.000
Experience: 23%
Beautiful Keil Wallpaper69120Collect 45 Sycale
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 207.000
Experience: 23%
Carrierbomb Commotion70120Kill 15 Carrierbomb
Kill 20 Small Carrierbomb
Speak to Rankashu
Experience: 23%
Catalyst to the Curse70120Collect 10 Boo Petal
Speak to Reodos
Experience: 23%
Entering the Dekane Mine70120Collect 1 Rankashu Letter
Speak to Rankashu
Speak to Cell
Items: 1x Mine Entrance Card
Existence which Desire Summoned70120Speak to Dr. EstExperience: 25%
Items: 1x Mon-Book 1
Great Clockworks War – 1st70120Collect 1 Mon-Book 1
Collect 5 War Remenant
Speak to Dr. Estern
Items: 1x Mon-Book 2
Great Clockworks War – 2nd70120Collect 1 Mon-Book 1
Collect 1 Mon-Book 2
Collect 5 War Scar
Speak to Dr. Estly
Items: 1x Mon-Book 3
Hey look, a flying rat!70120Kill 15 Longwing
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 170.000
Experience: 23%
Hungry Hungry Dwarpets70120Collect 5 Greemong Jelly
Collect 5 Syliaca Fillet
Speak to Rankashu
Experience: 23%
Show What You Can Do70120Kill 1 Clocks
Collect 1 Mon-Book 1
Collect 1 Mon-Book 2
Collect 1 Mon-Book 3
Speak to Darken Mayor
Inventory spaces: 2
Experience: 50%
Strange Collector (5)71120Collect 50 Mong Tear
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 213.000
Experience: 23%
Anesthetic Needs72120Collect 50 Boopoison
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 216.000
Experience: 23%
New Kind of Firework73120Collect 50 Bomb Timer
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 219.000
Experience: 23%
Snack for the Children75120Collect 50 Prewing
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 225.000
Experience: 23%
Hey look, a flying rat! (2)76120Kill 1 Giant Longwing
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 250.000
Experience: 23%
Items: 1x Essentials Box IX (Soul linked)
Mushroom Farm of Chitller78120Collect 50 Poiespore
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 234.000
Experience: 23%
Ainher’s Request80120Speak to DricoGold: 65.000
Experience: 10%
Onward Brave Fool!80120Speak to AinherGold: 80.000
Experience: 10%
The Alluring Enchantress80120Kill 20 Keakoon Guard
Speak to Ainher
Experience: 15%
The Dungeon Code80120Speak to CellExperience: 10%
New Yo-Yo81120Collect 55 Renyken
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 243.000
Experience: 23%
Keakoon in Mine (1)82120Collect 1 Piece of Prison Key 1
Collect 1 Piece of Prison Key 2
Collect 1 Piece of Prison Key 3
Speak to Drian
Gold: 100.000
Experience: 10%
Keakoon in Mine (2)82120Gold: 100.000
Experience: 10%
Keakoon in Mine (3)82120Collect 1 Cargo of Drian
Collect 1 Keakoon Chief Sign
Speak to Drian
Speak to Nevil
Gold: 100.000
Experience: 15%
Items: 1x Roach Zone Card
1x Shubrin Ring
Baby Meteonyker83120Kill 15 Fafnir
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 190.000
Experience: 23%
Collective Bargaining83120Collect 1 Agony Ore
Speak to Ainher
Experience: 10%
Psykeeper Hero’s Pendant83120Speak to ReonanGold: 150.000
Experience: 23%
Items: 5x Scroll of Bonus (Soul linked)
Sweet Medication83120Collect 1 Blue Roach Queen Sap
Collect 1 Pink Roach Queen Sap
Speak to Drico
Experience: 23%
Disguise of a Native84120Collect 55 Tangkask
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 252.000
Experience: 23%
The High Magician, Laola84120Speak to Great Magician LaolaGold: 90.000
Experience: 15%
The Last Hero84120Speak to AchabenExperience: 15%
The Nomadic Chef84120Speak to JinitteExperience: 10%
The Perils of Gardening84120Kill 20 Small Watangka
Kill 15 Watangka
Speak to Great Magician Laola
Experience: 23%
Bloody corridor85120Kill 20 Mutant Keakoon Worker
Collect 30 Blood Trillipy Shell
Speak to Andre
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 20%
Bring Ribenuum.85120Collect 30 Ribenuum
Speak to Kazen
Experience: 10%
Bring Triduum85120Collect 30 Ribenuum
Collect 20 Triduum
Speak to Nein
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 10%
Items: 10x Pure Ribenuum
Death Mine and Roaches (1)85120Collect 15 Blue Roach Fluid
Collect 15 Pink Roach Fluid
Speak to Bernard
Gold: 500.000
Experience: 20%
Death Mine and Roaches (2)85120Collect 10 Blue Roach Queen Fluid
Collect 10 Pink Roach Queen Fluid
Speak to Bernard
Gold: 500.000
Experience: 15%
Items: 1x Bernard Card
1x Qurion Box
Dwarpet Kazen85120Collect 30 Cillin
Speak to Kazen
Gold: 50.000
Experience: 10%
ID Card (1)85120Speak to Bernard
Speak to Andre
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 10%
ID card (2)85120Kill 30 Captain Watangka
Kill 1 Giant Watangka
Speak to Andre
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 15%
Items: 1x Andre Card
Refine Ribenuum85120Collect 10 Pure Ribenuum
Speak to Kazen
Gold: 500.000
Experience: 10%
Items: 1x Puran Necklace
The bottom of the mine85120Kill 50 Mutant Keakoon Worker
Collect 50 Blood Trillipy Shell
Speak to Dekane
Inventory spaces: 1
Experience: 35%
Roots of Flavor87120Collect 10 Anti-Root
Speak to Jinitte
Experience: 23%
Solace in the Mountains87120Speak to SuryGold: 100.000
Experience: 10%
Items: 1x Elemental Card Box (Soul linked)
1x High Elemental Card Box (Soul linked)
3x Scroll of SProtect (Soul linked)
Woodworking Material87120Collect 55 Rootioe
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 261.000
Experience: 23%
Baby Meteonyker (2)88120Kill 1 Giant Fafnir
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 280.000
Experience: 23%
Items: 50x Acceleration Fuel (Soul linked)
Billposter Hero – Sury90120Kill 35 Luia
Kill 50 Small Luia
Speak to Sury
Experience: 23%
Sury’s Test (1)90120Speak to SuryExperience: 23%
The Best Shield90120Collect 60 Luchest
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 270.000
Experience: 23%
Beauty Contest Award93120Collect 60 Eronsimint
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 279.000
Experience: 23%
Enlightenment Shard (Quest)95120Speak to Billposter Priest FeraGold: 100.000
Experience: 15%
Fera’s Test95120Speak to Billposter Priest FeraExperience: 23%
Out of the Oven and into the Fire95120Kill 30 Captain Kern
Collect 1 Infernal Stone
Speak to Billposter Guardian Capafe
Experience: 20%
Stone of Enlightenment95120Speak to Billposter Priest FeraExperience: 10%
Sury’s Dilemma95120Speak to Billposter Guardian CapafeExperience: 15%
Sury’s Test (2)95120Speak to SuryExperience: 40%
Lucky Tool96120Collect 60 Hammamer
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 288.000
Experience: 23%
Prehistoric Birds98120Kill 15 Gorruda
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 210.000
Experience: 23%
Strange Collector (6)99120Collect 60 Rnamond
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 297.000
Experience: 23%
Billposter Hero’s Pendant100120Speak to ReonanGold: 500.000
Experience: 28%
Items: 5x Power Dice Box (Soul linked)
3x Scroll of GProtect (Soul linked)
5x Scroll of SProtect (Soul linked)
Evil Eyed Red Dragon100120Collect 5 Dragon Tooth
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 2.500.000
Experience: 50%
In Safe Hands100120Speak to Billposter Guardian CapafeGold: 120.000
Experience: 15%
Look for Volition Stone100120Kill 60 Captain Glaphan
Collect 1 Angelic Stone
Speak to Billposter Guardian Capafe
Experience: 28%
Reclaiming the Pendant100120Collect 1 Hero’s Pendant
Speak to Billposter Guardian Capafe
Experience: 30%
Sury’s Realization100120Speak to SuryExperience: 15%
To the Real Owner100120Collect 1 Hero’s Pendant
Speak to Sury
Experience: 15%
Items: 1x Necklace +5 Box (Soul linked)
Request of Lurif102120Collect 60 Phanbubble
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 612.000
Experience: 23%
Prehistoric Birds (2)103120Kill 1 Giant Gorruda
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 350.000
Experience: 25%
Items: 1x Plug Earring (Soul linked)
Mysterious Magic Material104120Collect 60 Merahook
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 712.000
Experience: 23%
Journal of an Adventurer (1)105120Collect 1 Diary of adventurer
Speak to Darken Mayor
Gold: 100.000
Experience: 3%
Journal of an Adventurer (2)105120Speak to Sage RadionGold: 119.000
Experience: 3%
Journal of an Adventurer (3)105120Speak to Darken MayorGold: 142.000
Inventory spaces: 3
Experience: 3%
Avenge Nerky106120Collect 60 Nerkymane
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 812.000
Experience: 23%
Bolpor’s favor109120Speak to LurifGold: 1.000.000
Experience: 23%
Toy Materials113120Collect 60 Popshift
Speak to Lurif
Gold: 1.250.000
Experience: 23%

There you have the list of Flyff Universe quest guide, hope you had fun playing!

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