Flyff Universe Party Skills

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Flyff Universe Party Skills
Flyff Universe

Flyff Universe Party Skills

NameParty LevelConsumed PointsDurationDescription
Blitz1000Party leader orders party members to a attack a target.
Retreat1000Party leader orders all party members to retreat.
Call1000Informs all party members of the location of the party leader.
Precision17160Use this ability to gain an almost guaranteed critical hit on your next attack.
Linked Attack20360Each party member around the leader adds a 5% bonus to party leader damage.
Global Attack23360Each party member receives a 2.5% damage bonus for every party member around them. Does not apply to the leader if Linked Attack is active.
Lucky Drop255300Increases the chance of Masquerpets dropping unique items.
Resting302120Party members recover 1.5 times faster. If the party leader is an Assist party members recover 1.8 times faster.
Gift Box408300Increases the amount of items dropped by Masquerpets.

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