flyff universe
Do you want a job change while playing Flyff Universe? In order to change your class in Flyff Universe, you have to complete these certain quests upon reaching level 15 (first job change quest) or level 60 (second job change quest). Here are the list of job change quests guide that you can reference on.
Table of Contents
This is upon reaching level 15 for 1st Job Change in Flyff Universe.
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Vagrant Master | Kill 40 Small Aibatt Speak to Acrobat Drillmaster Hent | Gold: 1.500 Items: 1x Blinkwing of Flaris |
Acrobat Weaponry | Collect 5 Peakyrind Collect 1 Slain Collect 10 Twinkle Stone Speak to Acrobat Master Pyre | Gold: 1.500 Items: 1x Blinkwing of Flaris |
Acrobat Skills | Collect 1 Book of Technique Speak to High-Dwarpet Tucani | Gold: 1.500 Items: 1x Blinkwing of Darkon 1x Label of Technique |
An Acrobat’s Duty | Speak to Acrobat Instructor Tailer | Skill points: 50 Items: 1x Activition (Soul linked) 1x Bull Hamstern (Soul linked) 1x Re-Skill (Soul linked) 1x Vital Drink X (Soul linked) |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Vagrant Master (Assist) | Kill 10 Small Burudeng Kill 10 Small Mushpang Speak to Assist Drillmaster Elic | Gold: 1.500 |
Arm of Assist | Collect 10 Forform Collect 5 Peakyrind Collect 1 Poporam Speak to Assist Master Maki | Gold: 1.500 |
Assist Skills | Collect 1 Book of Technique Speak to High-Dwarpet Goripeg | Gold: 1.500 Items: 1x Label of Technique |
Duty of Assist | Kill 1 Chaner Collect 1 Label of Technique Speak to Assist Instructor Kidmen | Skill points: 60 Items: 1x Activition (Soul linked) 1x Bull Hamstern (Soul linked) 1x Re-Skill (Soul linked) 1x Refresher Hold (Soul linked) |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Vagrant Master (Magician) | Kill 15 Captain Aibatt Kill 10 Small Burudeng Speak to Magician Drillmaster Wingyei | Gold: 1.500 Items: 1x Blinkwing of Flaris |
Weapons of the Magician | Collect 5 Chupim Collect 1 Slain Collect 10 Twinkle Stone Speak to Magician Master Hee | Gold: 1.500 Items: 1x Blinkwing of Flaris |
Magician Skills | Collect 1 Book of Technique Speak to High-Dwarpet Hastan | Gold: 1.500 Items: 1x Blinkwing of Saint Morning 1x Label of Technique |
Duty of Magician | Kill 1 Seido Collect 1 Label of Technique Speak to Magician Instructor Lopaze | Skill points: 90 Items: 1x Activition (Soul linked) 1x Bull Hamstern (Soul linked) 1x Re-Skill (Soul linked) 1x Refresher Hold (Soul linked) |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
The Path of the Mercenary | Kill 20 Small Aibatt Kill 20 Small Mushpang Speak to Mercenary Drillmaster Mustang | Gold: 1.500 |
Mercenary Arms | Collect 5 Chupim Collect 1 Poporam Collect 10 Twinkle Stone Speak to Mercenary Master Andy | Gold: 1.500 |
Mercenary Skills | Collect 1 Book of Technique Speak to High-Dwarpet Langdrong | Gold: 1.500 Items: 1x Label of Technique |
Duty of Mercenary | Kill 1 Babari Collect 1 Label of Technique Speak to Mercenary Instructor Hyuit | Skill points: 40 Items: 1x Activition (Soul linked) 1x Bull Hamstern (Soul linked) 1x Re-Skill (Soul linked) 1x Vital Drink X (Soul linked) |
This is upon reaching level 60 for a 2nd Job Change in Flyff Universe.
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Successor of Hero -Master | Kill 20 Driller Speak to Billposter Master Ride | |
Successor of Hero -Hall Document | Kill 1 Hoiren Collect 1 Hall Document Speak to Billposter Wise-man Domek | |
Successor of Hero -Scroll | Collect 1 Hall Document Speak to Segho | Items: 1x Stamped Scroll |
Successor of Hero -Altar | Kill 1 Steam Walker Collect 1 Skill Poster (Master) Speak to Billposter Priest Fera | Items: 1x Mark of Hero |
Successor of Hero -Guardian | Kill 1 Venel Guardian Collect 1 Venel Heart Speak to Billposter Guardian Capafe | Skill points: 120 |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Successor of Hero -Master | Kill 20 Driller Speak to Blade Master Corel | |
Successor of Hero -Earring- | Collect 1 Earring of Heren Speak to Blade Wise-man Guabrill | |
Successor of Hero -Scroll | Collect 1 Earring of Heren Speak to Ata | Items: 1x Stamped Scroll |
Successor of Hero -Altar | Kill 1 Shacalpion Collect 1 Tear of Darkness Speak to Blade Priest Jeperdy | Items: 1x Mark of Hero |
Successor of Hero -Guardian | Kill 1 Venel Guardian Collect 1 Venel Heart Speak to Blade Guardian Sencyrit | Skill points: 80 |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Successor of Hero -Master | Kill 20 Driller Speak to Elementor Master Horison | |
Successor of Hero -Feather- | Collect 1 Feather of Magic Power Speak to Elementor Wise-man Cuzrill | |
Successor of Hero -Scroll | Collect 1 Feather of Magic Power Speak to Parine | Items: 1x Stamped Scroll |
Successor of Hero -Altar | Collect 1 Perfume of Lillip Speak to Elementor Priest Condram | Items: 1x Mark of Hero |
Successor of Hero -Guardian | Kill 1 Venel Guardian Collect 1 Venel Heart Speak to Elementor Guardian Wendien | Skill points: 300 |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Successor of the Hero – Master | Kill 20 Driller Speak to Jester Master Lorein | |
Successor of Hero – Ring | Kill 1 Ren Collect 1 Ren Rings Speak to Sage Radyon | |
Successor of Hero – Scroll | Collect 1 Ren Rings Speak to Pepoview Clackcable | Items: 1x Stamped Scroll |
Successor of Hero – Altar | Kill 1 Sisif Collect 1 Soulstone of Hero Speak to Jester Priest Homeit | Items: 1x Mark of Hero |
Successor of Hero – Guardian | Kill 1 Venel Guardian Collect 1 Venel Heart Speak to Jester Guardian Heingard | Skill points: 100 |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Successor of Hero -Master | Kill 20 Driller Speak to Knight Master Karandur | |
Successor of Hero -Helmet- | Kill 1 Kidler Collect 1 Clue of Golden Helmet Collect 1 Golden Helmet of Billaon Speak to Knight Wise-man Hormes | |
Successor of Hero -Scroll | Collect 1 Golden Helmet of Billaon Speak to Kurmin | Items: 1x Stamped Scroll |
Successor of Hero -Altar | Kill 8 Wheelem Collect 8 Soul Stone Speak to Knight Priest Lobiet | Items: 1x Mark of Hero |
Successor of Hero -Guardian | Kill 1 Venel Guardian Collect 1 Venel Heart Speak to Knight Guardian Boneper | Skill points: 80 |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Successor of Hero -Master | Kill 20 Driller Speak to Psykeeper Master Cylor | |
Successor of Hero -Underwear- | Kill 1 Kynsy Collect 1 Magic Underwear of Power Speak to Psykeeper Wise-man Cuarine | |
Successor of Hero -Scroll | Collect 1 Magic Underwear of Power Speak to Ryupang | Items: 1x Stamped Scroll |
Successor of Hero -Altar | Collect 1 Trace of Offerep Speak to Psykeeper Priest Pereb | Items: 1x Mark of Hero |
Successor of Hero -Guardian | Kill 1 Venel Guardian Collect 1 Venel Heart Speak to Psykeeper Guardian Shyniff | Skill points: 90 |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Successor of Hero – Master | Kill 20 Driller Speak to Ranger Master Eliff | |
Successor of Hero – Letter | Kill 1 Rubo Collect 1 Letter of Hynan Speak to Sage Kimel | |
Successor of Hero – Scroll | Collect 1 Letter of Hynan Speak to High-Dwarpet Liekyen | Items: 1x Stamped Scroll |
Successor of Hero – Altar | Kill 8 Prankster Collect 8 History Book of Heroes Speak to Ranger Priest Rupim | Items: 1x Mark of Hero |
Successor of Hero – Guardian | Kill 1 Venel Guardian Collect 1 Venel Heart Speak to Ranger Guardian Kailreard | Skill points: 100 |
Name | Todo | Rewards |
Successor of Hero -Master | Kill 20 Driller Speak to Ringmaster Master Ellend | |
Successor of Hero -Seal- | Kill 1 Roy Collect 1 Seal of Aenn Speak to Ringmaster Wise-man Clamb | |
Successor of Hero -Scroll | Collect 1 Seal of Aenn Speak to Teshar | Items: 1x Stamped Scroll |
Successor of Hero -Altar | Kill 1 Hunter X Collect 1 Teardrop of Aenn Speak to Ringmaster Priest Heedan | Items: 1x Mark of Hero |
Successor of Hero -Guardian | Kill 1 Venel Cardinal Collect 1 Venel Heart Speak to Ringmaster Guardian Romvoette | Skill points: 100 |
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