Don’t Look Up (2021) – Movie Recap

Don’t Look Up is a 2021 movie about two astronomers go on media tour to warn humankind of a planet-killing comet hurtling toward Earth. The response from a distracted world: Meh. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Rob Morgan, Ariana Grande and more. Here is the official teaser trailer for the Don’t Look Up movie.

Don’t Look Up movie recap

Kate Dibiasky, played by Jennifer Lawrence, is observing exploding stars in the outer space using Subaru telescope. She collates data from the previous days and discovers something interesting that made her shriek and calls up Dr. Randall Mindy, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Dr. Mindy calls up all of his PhD interns and everyone discusses the images found by Kate, eventually naming the comet Kate had found after her, Comet Dibiasky, a comet with roughly five to ten kilometers wide. Upon doing the orbital dynamics, Dr. Mindy’s excitement turns into fear and worry as he founds out that the comet is heading directly towards earth.

Dr. Mindy calls the head of NASA Dr. Calder who placed him on hold to reach out for Dr. Oglethorpe for consultation. Dr. Oglethorpe is the head of the Planetary Defense Coordination Office and asks what is the most updated estimates on the comets trajectory to which Kate replies with a direct hit to Earth in six months and fourteen days. The scout program of Kennedy Space Center also confirms of exactly the same estimate. Mindy asks if it is extinction-level event with Dr. Calder brushing him off by saying not to be dramatic, however, Dr. Oglethorpe silently agrees with Mindy knowing that this is serious.

Fact from movie: Planetary Defense Coordination Office is a real place and does have its own logo.

Dr. Oglethorpe asks for Dr. Mindy and Kate to fly over to DC and share the data with Cambridge, Caltech and IAU. Immediately, the two boards a military airplane going to DC and meets with Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe, played by Rob Wilson.

Dr. Mindy and Kate meet Dr. Olgethrope and President Orlean

The three goes to the White House, accompanied by the General Themes of Pentagon and wait for President Orlean, played by Meryl Streep. After several hours of waiting, she finally arrives but completely ignores them along the hall, completely occupied with Supreme Court nominee and her midterms political standing. Their waiting game continues for seven hours only to know that the President will not meet with them.

The next morning, they finally were able to meet her. President Orlean gives Dr. Mindy 20 minutes to explain about the comet and what about it. Breathing heavily, he is pressured to compress his scientific explanation about the comet in layman’s term as possible, which still bored the President and her son.

Don't Look Up movie
Don't Look Up movie

Orlean finds the topic uninteresting and says “sit tight and assess” since the midterms is in three weeks and any movement before might cost her political candidacy. And she no longer believes in “end of the world” after attending so many meetings of the same over the past years.

An upset Kate could not believe her ears that the President is not taking this seriously, when it is 99.78% going to happen. Their meeting ends without the President’s support or action.

Don't Look Up movie

Dr. Mindy and Kate appear on The Daily Rip

Dr. Oglethorpe supports the idea to leak this confidential information which lands them with The New York Herald. The publishers find their report credible after confirming it with other astronomers therefore agreed to write article about the comet after the two appear on The Daily Rip show.

During the show, Riley Bina played by Arianna Grande and DJ Chello played by Kid Culli, appears on the segment catching lots of viewers when their breakup relationship on air turns into a wedding proposal.

Ariana Grande on Don't Look Up movie
Ariana Grande on Don't Look Up movie

Next up are Dr. Mindy and Kate who would talk about the comet they discovered. To their disappointment, the hosts take it as a joke and tries to make the bad news light. After trying to communicate how serious the matter is, Kate loses her cool and walks out of the live session crying. Dr. Mindy continue tries to calm himself and waits to be called by the host, however, the show has come to an end with Kate getting the spotlight as a freak person.

The headline catches up with articles of Kate’s moment on the show, instead of the comet news they had intended to get on the newspaper. She gets all the meme and is called “more near-miss hysteria” by Dr. Calder while Dr. Mindy gets the praises of being a hunky astronomer. Dr. Mindy and Kate founds out that Dr. Calder is not even an astronomer, she is a former anesthesiologist and President Orlean’s super donor and tries to persuade that this is corruption. But New York Herald publisher dismisses their article with discontent based on the people’s feedback.

Kate's meme from The Daily Rip show (Don't Look Up movie)
Kate’s meme from The Daily Rip show (Don’t Look Up movie)

Dr. Mindy and Kate meets President Orlean… again

Dr. Mindy is visited at his home by the FBI, Kate looks abducted by the FBI while jogging in the park, while Dr. Olgethrope is surrounded by FBI right outside the convenience store. They are brought to the White House and this time, Orlean gives her full support to protect the Earth from the comet. Kate sees through and confirms that they got her support because Orlean is about to lose the midterms after getting caught sending pictures of her private parts to porn-star sheriff boyfriend which is all over the media and it is to her advantage now to act on the comet. Orlean scoffingly agrees to her. Kate says it is just that she feels so relieved that they have finally decided to act on it and cries. Dr. Mindy gives her a hug while Jason laughs off how Kate looks so bad when she cries.

Orlean discusses that she will setup an emergency broadcast, announcing emergency spending package for Congress that will enable NASA and US military to launch a preemptive strike. The mission will be blowing Comet Dibiasky off her course with a real hero. Dr. Mindy questions that and suggest the mission should be remote instead of having a real person at stake. Dr. Oglethorpe says that Washington always got to have a hero.

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