Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg
Here are the list of Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg Trophies
Table of Contents
Alchemaster Obtained all other trophies. | 38.24% UNCOMMON | |
Fairytale Met a fairy for the first time. | 67.06% COMMON | |
A Royal Welcome Gained entry to the Royal Castle. | 50.59% COMMON | |
Hair Today … Completed the weapon shop master’s quest. | 61.18% COMMON | |
Bestest Friends Cured Schea’s illness. | 55.88% COMMON | |
I … Passed? Managed to graduate somehow. | 44.12% UNCOMMON | |
Local Hero Saved Salburg from disaster. | 43.53% UNCOMMON | |
Philosopher Became a professor at the Academy. | 41.18% UNCOMMON | |
Researcher Pursued a career as a researcher. | 40.59% UNCOMMON | |
Living Legend Left Schea to embark on your own journey. | 49.41% UNCOMMON | |
The Legendary Pair Entered the Martial Tournament with Schea. | 44.71% UNCOMMON | |
Know-It-All Achieved knowledge over 3000. | 63.53% COMMON | |
Household Name Achieved reputation over 800. | 58.82% COMMON | |
I Got This Achieved level 50. | 55.29% COMMON | |
Battle Fever Achieved victory in 50 battles. | 62.94% COMMON | |
Bag of Tricks Used Marie’s special to strengthen an item. | 53.53% COMMON | |
First Adventure Traveled outside for the first time. | 85.29% COMMON | |
Alchemy 101 Synthesized an item for the first time. | 84.71% COMMON | |
Look at Me Go! Synthesized 30 items. | 64.71% COMMON | |
Vroom Broom Synthesized a Living Broom. | 52.94% COMMON | |
Prodigy Synthesized a rank-7 item. | 60.59% COMMON | |
Master Gatherer Gathered ingredients 100 times. | 66.47% COMMON | |
Mountaineer Reached Mount Wieland. | 69.41% COMMON | |
World Tripper Traveled to 10 different destinations. | 61.18% COMMON | |
Handywoman Completed 50 quests. | 61.18% COMMON | |
Item Collector Reached 100% completion of the item Guide. | 41.76% UNCOMMON | |
Monster Hunter Reached 100% completion of the enemy Guide. | 42.94% UNCOMMON | |
Busybody Listened to every rumor. | 38.24% UNCOMMON | |
Hit the Books Read every reference. | 50.00% UNCOMMON | |
Hard Worker Completed all of Ingrid’s assignments. | 54.12% COMMON | |
Miss Moneybags Amassed 99,999 coins. | 42.35% UNCOMMON | |
Fairy Godmother Hired seven fairies at once. | 51.18% COMMON | |
ZZZ Rested for three or more days in a row. | 63.53% COMMON | |
Window Shopper Purchased absolutely nothing. | 82.35% COMMON | |
Barrel Roll Inspected a barrel. | 84.12% COMMON | |
Interior Design Acquired five different decorations. | 51.76% COMMON | |
Windfall Won a gold medal in Apple Rush. | 45.29% UNCOMMON | |
It Was THIS Big Won a gold medal in Golden Salmon Search. | 44.12% UNCOMMON | |
Ratcatcher Won a gold medal in Catch Those Rats. | 44.12% UNCOMMON | |
Punipunipuni Won a gold medal in Punipuni Hammer. | 45.29% UNCOMMON | |
Nap Time Won a gold medal in Name Collector. | 42.94% UNCOMMON | |
Treasure Hunter Won a gold medal in Treasure Hunt. | 42.35% UNCOMMON | |
Mini Maestro Won a gold medal in six different minigames. | 41.76% UNCOMMON | |
Bosom Buddies Reached max friendship with all allies. | 39.41% UNCOMMON | |
Memory Lane Completed 100% of the event list. | 38.82% UNCOMMON | |
Bandit Boss Defeated Bandit Chief. | 68.82% COMMON | |
Wind Spirit Defeated Wirbel. | COMMON | |
Fire and Fury Defeated Flammpfeil. | 59.41% COMMON | |
Lord of Demons Defeated Faren. | 57.65% COMMON |
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