Atelier Marie Remake Basic Control

Here are the Atelier Maria Remake basic control guide.

Atelier Marie Remake Basic Control

Atelier Marie Remake Gamepad Controls

Check, Confirm
Gather (in gathering areas)
Swing (in gathering areas)
Open Main Menu
Open System Menu (hold)
Toggle Message Display ON/OFF (during events)
Simplified Gathering (in gathering areas)
Skip (during events)
Display Town Map (in town)
Return to Atelier (in gathering areas)
Select Item
Toggle Tabs
Display Story Menu
Toggle Tabs
Sprint ON/OFF (changed in settings)
(+)Sprint (default)
Zoom Out
Toggle Settings Screen (Options)
Zoom In
Toggle Settings Screen (Options)
Photo Mode
Toggle Map (3 levels)
Select Item
Display Event Log
Close Tips
Field Restoratives
Quick Load

Atelier Marie Remake Keyboard and Mouse Controls

For the Steam® version, you can also use a keyboard and mouse.
A key guide with detailed controls for each screen will be displayed on the bottom right of the game screen.

ConfirmLeft Mouse Button
CancelRight Mouse Button
Sprint (default)Shift+(W/A/S/D)
Scroll ListMouse Wheel
Toggle TabsLeft Mouse Button
Skip Movie/EventEsc
Open Main MenuTab
Display Event LogL
Display Town Map (in town)/Return to Atelier (in gathering areas)M
Toggle Map (3 levels)C
Display Story MenuF
Close TipsB
Open System MenuEsc
Check/Gather (in gathering areas)Left Mouse Button*
Swing (in gathering areas)Left Mouse Button*
Zoom In/OutMouse Wheel
Page Up/Page Down
Toggle Settings Screen (Options)1/3
Photo ModeP
Field RestorativesG
Quick LoadV

*Can only gather with left mouse button when near a gathering point.

Atelier Marie Remake Graphics Settings

Graphics can be adjusted during gameplay via Graphics Settings under Options in the System Menu (opened by pressing Esc).
If the game feels sluggish, this can often be improved by changing the framerate cap.

Graphics Settings can also be accessed via Options in the Title Menu/Main Menu.

Screen ResolutionSelect the screen resolution.
If the window settings are set to Default, window size will change to match this setting.
If they are set to Borderless, the window will resize to match your display resolution.
Window SettingsChange the window mode.
Select the game screen mode: Default, Fullscreen, or Borderless. This can also be changed by pressing F9.
Note: Borderless mode removes the frame of the window and stretches it to the size of the screen for a pseudo full screen.
Framerate CapAdjust your monitor’s framerate limit.
VSyncTurn the function that reduces screen tearing on or off.
Overall QualitySet the quality of the graphics.
Selecting High, Standard, or Low will automatically change to the relevant graphic settings.
Custom allows you to manually adjust individual parameters.
Texture QualitySelect the quality of the textures.
Shadow QualityAdjust shadow quality.
Local Reflections QualitySelect the quality of the reflection processing.
Effect QualitySelect the quality of the effects.
Anti-AliasingTurn the smoothing of the objects’ contours on or off.
DOFTurn the blurring of objects that are not in focus on or off.
Ambient OcclusionTurn the enhancement of shadow rendering on or off.
BloomTurn the glow from light rendering on or off.
Light ShaftsTurn the light rays from the sun on or off.
Grass DensitySelect the grass density setting.

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