Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 recap


Hey guys! Here is an episode recap for Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 where the story revolves around the group of friends since high school as they embark on hospital adventures involving medicine, music, and relationships.

Read Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 8 recap

Hospital Playlist Season 2
Hospital Playlist Season 2

The story starts with Ik-jun tucking U-ju in bed. He gets a text message from Ik-sun telling him that she will be at his place the next morning. Not long after, he got a phone call from Jun-Wan asking a favor to book the earliest bus ticket back to Seoul. Jun-Wan says he celebrated his mother’s birthday with his whole family and is a little drunk. Upon checking the availability on the bus services website, Ik-jun says after contemplating that there is no more available for the time he prefers, so he books Jun-Wan the next available time. After hanging up the call, Ik-jun watches a band practice recording with Jeong Rosa.

Jun-Wan and Ik-sun meets on the bus

Jun-Wan rides the bus back to Seoul. A few chairs behind him sitting is Ik-sun. The tension between them lingers throughout the ride as who would talk to whom first. When the bus arrives at the station and the other passengers have left, Jun-Wan musters himself up and walks towards Ik-sun, asks a few questions like how she has been and where is she living, and if she is available over the weekend for a talk. He says she can decline if she is uncomfortable, it is just that he is hoping that they could meet up and just talk. Ik-sun says yes.

Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 } Jun-wan and Ik-sun meets on the bus

Yulje Table Tennis Championship

The 10th Yulje Table Tennis Championship is around the corner and the prize for the department winner is two million won for team dinners. In Round 32, Ik-jun and Gwang-hyeon exchange words before their match starts. Gwang-hyeon, who is working at hospital’s ER, receives a phone ring just as Ik-jun serves the ball and by the time the ball reaches his court, Gwang-hyeon and his partner run off to the emergency room. Making Ik-jun and his partner win by default.

Cardiothoracic Surgery team

Now Round 16, Cardiothoracic Surgery team Jun-Wan and Jae-Hak are up against Ik-jun and his fellow resident pairing. Jae-Hak shadow plays his swings and confidently tells Ik-jun that he failed six times in the board exam because he spends too much time at table tennis court at his hometown. The game starts with intense buildup at slow motion pace for Jae-Hak’s first service. He dribbles the ball on the table, gives it his kisses then tosses it mid-air, Jun-Wan, in his ready pose, blows the padding surface of his paddle with a serious face. The ball reaches the highest point mid-air and downward it goes, it bounces on the table as Jae-Hak and Jun-Wan leaves the game and rushes to their patient after hospital announcement that they are urgently needed.

Professor Shin of Radiology team

The next round is HPB Surgery team versus Radiology team. Ik-jun and Professor Shin exchanges words before the game and Ik-jun hints his teammate to target Professor Shin who seems to be a beginner at table tennis. Ik-jun gives the first service and Professor Shin successfully returns it back. Ik-jun’s fellow hits the ball back, and instead of stepping aside to let the fellow catch the ball for this turn, Professor Shin happily says that he got it and had multiple returns, making all the other players step back since the game already ended. The umpire disqualifies Professor Shin’s radiology team and gives the winning game to HPB Surgery team with Professor Shin wondering how did it happen since he got to return all the ball.

Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 | Yulje Table Tennis Competition
HBP Surgery team versus Orthopedics team

In the semi-final round, HPB team is up against Orthopedics team. The pregnant wife of Ik-jun’s opponent and a doctor from the department are watching the game and gives their support to their team, while Jeong-won and Seok-Hyung is also watching the game and gives their support to Ik-jun’s team. The game starts and there is a beautiful rally between the team. The game is also tight that Ik-jun’s team almost loses, but successfully manage a duece. Ik-jun and his fellow dances the Deux dance before getting back in the game again. Unfortunately, his fellow experiences a leg cramp and asks for kitty massage. On the other side, the pregnant wife suddenly goes into labor, the husband rejoices as he is now going to be a father and Seok-hyung gets on his game face on and accommodates the mother and help deliver the child. Ik-jun and his fellow exchanges hand fist shake as it is their victory by default.

In the final round, HPB Surgery team is up against Nuclear team. Song-hwa, who came in during the semi-final round, offers Ik-jun a hot tea while Jeong-won massages Ik-jun’s back. Ik-jun declines the offer, which is unusual of him. He says he will get Song-hwa’s tea after he finish the match and come back victorious while the tea is hot.

Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 | Ik-jun and his fellow gets defeated by Hyun Jung-Hwa

The game is one-sided, with HPB surgery team losing the game and not even having one point. Both team give their bows before leaving, and Ik-jun asks out of curiosity if the Nuclear professor is a pro-tennis table player. She says she just play as a hobby. (It is a confirmed cameo of Hyun Jung-Hwa for this role, a retired South Korean tables tennis player and has competed in Summer Olympics of 1988 and 1992.) Ik-jun comes back to Song-hwa and drinking the hot tea defeated.

Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 | Hyun Jung-Hwa cameo
Hyun Jung-Hwa

Seok-Hyeong laughs at Min-Ha’s finger heart

At Yulje’s center garden lounge, the three doctors Jeong-Wan, Ik-jun and Seok-hyeong are talking about Song-hwa’s terrible voice while enjoying their break time. Jeong-won tries to persuade Ik-jun to stop Song-hwa but he says she is stressed out and they should just stick up to it for 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Seok-hyeong gets a phone call from Min-ha asking where he is. After he hangs up, Ik-jun asks if he will not reciprocate Min-ha’s feelings and tells him it would be a waste if he loses Min-ha.

The next moment, Min-ha comes running toward them with ice cream cones on both hands. The three doctors plays rock-paper-scissors as who will win and get the ice cream. Seok-hyeong loses first, followed by Ik-jun. Jeong-won and Ik-jun reaches out both their hands waiting for Min-ha to hand over the ice cream, but she gives it out to Seok-hyeong and tells them she never said she will give the ice cream to the winner but to the loser. Ik-jun gives her the smirk that he completely understand what Min-ha is trying to tell, but Jeong-won tries his luck again by starting with rock-paper-scissors. Ik-jun stops him and tells him she will never give it to them no matter what. Seok-hyeong thanks her and she leaves politely. Ik-jun calls her out to her to tell her she forgot something, he tries to search for it from behind him and inside his lab coat and finally giving her a heart finger. Min-ha laughs and gets the idea.

This time, Min-ha tries to reach something out from her coat’s chest pocket, turns to Seok-hyeong and then doing the heart finger to him. Seok-hyeong laughs – bewildering both Jeong-won and Ik-jun about his expressiveness. After smoking, Jeong-won and Ik-jun talks about Seok-hyeong and his smile which they have not seen before. They also agree that Seok-hyeong knows that he already have feelings for Min-ha but is considering the worst scenarios that could possibly happen.

Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 | Min-ha gives Seok-hyeong a finger heart
Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 | Seok-hyeong laughs bubbly at Min-ha's finger heart

Alone by himself at Yulje’s center garden, Seok-hyeong looks at the ice cream that he is eating. Completely aware of his emotions toward Min-ha, he gives a deep sigh.

Jun-Wan finds out about Ik-Sun’s sickness

Both Jun-wan and Ik-sun plan to meet at 6 p.m. at Gaosu-gil. He tells Jae-hak by accident when Jae-hak was insisting Jun-wan to join him for a morning hike on that weekend. Same day at dinner time, Ik-sun tells Ik-jun her plans of meeting someone at 6 p.m. at the same place after he tries to convince her to come with him and U-ju for biking.

In the morning, Jun-wan sends a text message to Ik-sun telling her to text back to confirm if she can come. Ik-jun and U-ju come back home from biking and Auntie tells him that Ik-sun is not feeling well and it looks serious. While on their way to Yulje, Ik-sun texts Jun-wan that she is not feeling well, can not come and apologizes with him. Jun-wan deeply sighs at his bed after reading her text message.

Ik-jun leaves Ik-sun at the emergency room to be treated. On his way out, he bumps into Jae-hak who just came back from his hiking trip. Jae-hak tells him that he thought he will meet up with Jun-wan but Ik-jun does not see any point for them to see each other over the weekend. Curiously, Ik-jun stops Jae-hak on his way and asks about Jun-wan’s plan.

After knowing about their supposed meet up, Ik-jun gives a phone call to Jun-wan telling him that his sister is in Yulje’s emergency room just finishing his IV in about an hour and he will be waiting at his work office for the meantime until his fellow gives him a call to pick her up. He says he just tell him that and hangs up.

The curtain opens and Ik-sun is surprised to see Jun-wan at her ward. He says he saw her chart records and tries to confirm if her story about having a relationship with Se-gyeong is just an excuse for the break-up. Ik-sun remains quiet. A text message from Ik-jun rings Ik-sun phone and she reads he just want to make sure she is fine and there is no need to respond. Jun-wan, who happen to take a peak on Ik-sun’s phone, reaches out to it and asks for her explanation why is his picture set as her phone’s wallpaper.

While waiting for Ik-sun’s response, Jun-wan receives an urgent phone call about his patient. He leaves Ik-sun telling her for them to talk some other time.

Ik-jun helps out Jun-wan and Ik-sun

Ik-jun has been the one trying to help Jun-wan and Ik-sun fix their relationship. In the past evening when Ik-sun left her phone to give U-ju her goodnight kiss, her phone almost fell off the table when it rang. Ik-jun got hold of it and when he about to put it back on a safer place on the table, he sees Jun-wan’s picture as her phone wallpaper. In the evening that Jun-wan asks him a favor to book him the earliest bus schedule back to Seoul, he chose the same bus schedule that Ik-sun has booked for even if there are available slots for the earliest available schedule. Now that an opportunity for Jun-wan to talk to Ik-sun in the emergency room, he gives the text message to Ik-sun for Jun-wan to see her phone wallpaper.

The ending of Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9

The band practice resumes with Song-hwa being the lead out-of-tuned vocalist and smiles from ear to ear that her dreams came true. Then a quick flashback of a young Song-hwa flipping her phone, as if waiting for someone to text or call her back.

So there you have Hospital Playlist Season 2 Episode 9 recap! Let us know in the comment below your thoughts on this episode!

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